General Maths & Science tutors near me

Personalized Tutoring Near You General Maths & Science lessons for online or at home learning in South Africa


General Maths & Science tutors in South Africa near you

Mohamed E

Moghul Park

Mohamed E

Moghul Park, Kimberley

Science is my hobby,passion and vocation. I have been involved in the sciences for 10 years now, 5 as a student, 5 as a research professional. My practical and theoretical knowledge includes physics, chemistry, biology, cell biology, microbiology (virology, bacteriology, mycology), anatomy, physiology, histology etc. Basically science is my life, and i would love the opportunity to convey this passion to you as a student

Teaches: English as a foreign Language, Statistics, Trigonometry, General Maths & Science, Mathematics Literacy, Linear Algebra, Algebra, Mathematics, Pure Maths, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Human Biology, Microbiology, Biotechnology
Available for General Maths & Science lessons in South Africa
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