General Maths & Science tutors near me

Personalized Tutoring Near You General Maths & Science lessons for online or at home learning in South Africa


General Maths & Science tutors in South Africa near you

Thulile Z

Caversham Glen

25 km travel radius Get Started Get Started
Michelle d


Michelle d

Bothasig, Cape Town

(Mathematics as a subject which includes trigonometry, functions, calculus, euclidean, analytical Geometry etc - basically 'school' mathematics. Physical Sciences as a subject which includes Newton's Laws, equations of motion, organic chemistry, titrations etc - basically 'school' physical sciences) I love teaching maths and physics!!! I have been teaching maths and physics at my current job for over three years and have seen students grow in confidence as they realise that they're not stupid-they just think differently to their teachers or textbooks and need to remember a few key concepts and skills. I'm skilled at recognising how the learner thinks and adjusting explanations and pace accordingly. I know that learners learn by practicing so I involve them as I teach, giving them a sense of accomplishment from the start. Once I see the learner is comfortable I follow through with practice questions for them to work through with me. I know that CAPS curriculum and various sections of work well enough to guide learners through the great workload and help them focus on what is most important. I am a firm believer in the fact that learning shouldn't be an overwhelming experience and it can be fun, interesting and positively mind-blowing. I achieve this by pacing the content according to the learners capacity (as mentioned above) and also by challenging the learner enough to buff their newly learned skills into shiny confidence in one area at a time.

Teaches: General Maths & Science, Physical Science
Available for General Maths & Science lessons in South Africa
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