Personalised Tutoring 1000s of Vetted Private Tutors in SA
Our hand picked tutors travel to you and can even teach online. Highest rated tutors by students in South Africa.

Why Turtlejar Tutoring?
We will help you find the perfect private tutor near you.
Best Tutors in SA
We only accept the best in SA which is a fraction of the tutors that apply.
Safety First
We thouroughly screen our tutors to make sure we are the safest in SA.
100% Satisfaction
Guaranteed happiness with your first tutoring lesson - or the lesson is free!
We get results
We target the deeper issues, such as mental learning blocks and foundations of learning that may have been missed, and not merely the surface problems. This prepares the students for successful future studies and helps them to achieve their goals by themselves moving forward. We have seen some of our learners achieve great things world-wide and travel to the best universities in the world because of the help that our tutors were able to give.
Most popular subjects
We pride ourselves in offering the largest range of subjects, with the most capable tutors to teach them for in-person or online lessons.
Need a tutor?
Request an expert intructor or tutor for your subject and we will match you up with best tutor personalised to you. We will set you up with a free introductory meeting with your tutor before you start lessons. Begin your learning experience with Turtlejar today.
Online & In-Person tutoring
Personalised lessons
Become a tutor
We offer the best tutor job opportinities in the country. Benefits include teaching online or in-person, guaranteed payments into you bank account, flexible tutoring times, and advertising on your behalf so you can focus on teaching.
Tutor jobs for all subjects
Great tutor salary rates with us