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Thomas M


Thomas M

Bryanston, Sandton

I am engineer with over 30 years experience in industry, engineering, ICT and mining. I also have a master's in business. I run a consulting and advisory company in renewable and non-renewable energy, engineering and project management. My corporate experience in management, engineering, projects, operations, sales, marketing, service and maintenance of systems has enabled me to develop other skills in interpersonal relationships, communication, discipline and commitment to results. Formal education provides a solid foundation for theoretical and practical skills training in all professions. Mathematical skills are required in all sectors of the economy because ultimately all activities are measured and valued in rands and cents. Given the renewed emphasis on online education and my skills in mathematics, I am offering online tutoring in mathematics for matric level and undergraduate level mathematics. Doing well in mathematics is a matter of practice and positive attitude. In the tutorials, we will be guided by the syllabus. To name some of the mathematics areas that we can cover, they include arithmetic, functions, finance, trigonometry, differentiation, probability and statistics, applied mathematics, problem solving, linear algebra and calculus. This list is not exhaustive but meant to highlight some of the areas that we can cover. Imparting of knowledge is interactive and therefore the questions and feedback from the student will be important in determining our progress and validating the degree of understanding and proficiency by the student. Therefore I am glad to offer and to contribute to the widening and deepening of mathematical skills in the up and coming students.

Teaches: Mathematics
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