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Nokwethemba M - Tutor in Bryanston

I am Nokwethemba. I graduated from the University of Johannesburg with a BCom Law, currently pursuing my Postgraduate Diploma in Compliance. I've had excellent tutors while I was in university and I appreciate how much their support and guidance helped me during my undergrad. Although I do not have any experience as I am starting out, I do however, want to provide additional assistance to the learners. I want to assist with homework, class work, comprehension etc. to ensure that they do not have to fall behind. Therefore, I want my learners to benefit from my services as much as possible, utilizing all available resources and suggestions to ensure that the learning process is smooth and comfortable for the learner.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Nokwethemba will travel 50km from Bryanston, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Nokwethemba speaks Zulu and English

2018-02-01 - 2020-03-31
Legal services intern

2014-02-03 - 2016-12-15
Bcom Law - University of Johannesburg

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I really love Mathematics especially grade 8 and 9. I was one of the top achievers as a junior in high school for the whole grade. Therefore, I'd really love to impart the knowledge I have acquired thus far to another learner

    Nokwethemba teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)

  • Zulu

    I am from KwaZulu-Natal, motherland of the Zulu nation. I attended a dominent Zulu speaking (home language) school during the first few years of primary school. As I progressed to high school, IsiZulu was one of my highest marks and in Matric I was the top achiever in the whole grade for the language. IsiZulu is my mother tongue and I'd really love to impart the knowledge I have acquired thus far to another learner.

    Nokwethemba teaches Zulu at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Accounting

    I really love Accounting and I'm passionate about numbers, I really excel in 1st year level University Accounting. I used to get Distinctions on the subject because I had excellent tutors and I appreciate how much their support and guidance helped me during my undergrad. Therefore, I'd really love to impart the knowledge I have acquired thus far to another learner

    Nokwethemba teaches Accounting at University/College level(s)