Tutors in KwaZulu-Natal

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Jessica D


Jessica D

Ashley, Pinetown

Hello my name is Jessica Dunnington. I was born and raised in Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. I am 29 years old. I matriculated in 2010 and went to work for my uncle at his Pick n pay but I knew that was not what I wanted to do, so I resigned. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to work with children. So I decided that I wanted to follow my dream to become an au pair and still till this day it is still my dream job. My family helped me take courses so I could be a qualified as an au pair and the upside was that I could travel the world and still be able to do my job that I love. Once I got all my certificates, I went to Lodi, California for a year. I looked after three wonderful children. They are triplets. When I came back from California, I did not stay long in South Africa because I got another job offer in Saudi Arabia. I packed my bags once again and went on another adventure. My job was to be an English tutor to a young boy but things changed and I became an au pair to him and his young sister. I loved every moment of it. A few years later I decided that we wanted to become an English teacher in China, so in 2018 I did my TEFL course and went to China to teach English. I was at a training school. I only had classes in the afternoon. Teaching in China and being an au pair was the most rewarding things I have done in my life and I would still like to work with children. I am at the moment doing my level 5 TEFL course and I am almost finished with my course. I would really appreciate the chance to teach online, I will do my very best and I will not disappoint you. Through all my experience working with children I have learned that they are amazing and with each day the children of today are becoming so intelligent, which is amazing to see. I believe that we as teachers/ au pairs should do whatever we can to help the children of today because they are our future.

Teaches: English
Available for lessons in KwaZulu-Natal

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