Tutors in Westville
Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Westville
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Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Westville tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.
In-Person & Online Lessons
Our tutors travel to you and teach in the comfort of your home. We also provide tutors for online sessions.
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Our private tutors in Westville near you
Alexandra M
Alexandra M
I ma having been teaching online for three years as I have a passion for teaching and help students discover and learn things. I am also studying towards getting my PGCE as well. I would love to be your tutor and help you do that.
Teaches: EnglishAvailable for lessons in Westville
Ashley F
Ashley F
Dawncliffe, Westville
I have a lot of experience with children au pairing and love spending time and helping develop the skills and abilities of young minds. I am fluent in both English and Afrikaans and my top subjects were Maths and Geography.
Teaches: Mathematics, Geography, Afrikaans, Physical Science, English skillsAvailable for lessons in Westville
Tristen A
Tristen A
Grayleigh, Westville
I have been a tutor for 6 years. I have tutored in subjects like Mathematics, English, Afrikaans, history and business studies. I have tutored grades 2,4,8,10 and 11. I have also tutored students with learning disabilities such as ADHD, dyslexia and Autism Spectrum Disorder. I thoroughly enjoy being a tutor because I loved school and I am currently studying to be a special education teacher.
Teaches: General Maths & Science, History, English, Special Needs HelpAvailable for lessons in Westville
Robyn B
Atholl Heights
Robyn B
Atholl Heights, Westville
I am a BsC Special Needs Education student teacher in her final year of studying. I have over 150 hours of field experience in a special needs setting as well as general education classroom. My knowledge of various levels of abilities provides me with the opportunity to cater for each child and their individual learning style.
Teaches: Afrikaans, Writing, ReadingAvailable for lessons in Westville
Khulekani S
Atholl Heights
Khulekani S
Atholl Heights, Westville
Hi everyone, I'm an industrial engineering student from KZN South Africa who thoroughly enjoys mathematics and science. Taking the most complex problems and simplifying it step by step. I'm easy going and can relate to everyone,
Teaches: Mathematics, Physical ScienceAvailable for lessons in Westville
Nasiha S
Nasiha S
Westville, Westville
I am a recent graduate from the University of KwaZulu-Natal and I have a BSc in Applied Chemistry. I excelled at school level and I completed my NSC with English HL, Afrikaans FAL, Mathematics, Physical Science, Biology and Accounting. I am a patient individual, happy to share my knowledge.
Teaches: Math, Afrikaans, Chemistry, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Westville
Shane A
Shane A
Dawncliffe, Westville
Hi my name is Shane Allsopp I am an Engineering Management Masters graduate from Stellenbosch University. I am very down to earth and understand that everyone learns at different speeds and different levels. I believe I can help a range of individuals with my mathematics and physics background into either getting that A+, B or C. Anyone who needs help, I believe I can offer this.
Teaches: Further Maths, Math, Mathematics, PhysicsAvailable for lessons in Westville
Daylen C
Daylen C
Dawncrest, Westville
I am a Bcom Accounting Student studying at Ukzn Westville. I am passionate about helping learners reach their full potential and ultimately achieve their goals. I can relate to the exact same position you are all in right now and understand the stress that comes with High school. Let’s achieve your goals together.
Teaches: Pure Maths, Accounting, Physical ScienceAvailable for lessons in Westville
Nerissa G
Atholl Heights
Nerissa G
Atholl Heights, Westville
I am a 29 year old female from Durban, I am very sociable and caring ,I love to help others ,I enjoy reading and writing and would put in a lot of effort to help you grow and be the best you can in your desired field. I am available Mon to Fri at 5pm onwards ,Sat and Sunday from 10 am to 2pm. I look forward to this wonderful opportunity.
Teaches: EnglishAvailable for lessons in Westville
Stefanie M
Berea West
Stefanie M
Berea West, Westville
I am currently studying to be a teacher, I am in my third year and will be doing my honours next year. I am a cheerful person and love to be around children. I love to read and I am always available to help.
Teaches: English Language, English skillsAvailable for lessons in Westville
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At Turtlejar Tutoring, we're committed to connecting you to the best possible Westville tutor that will allow you to achieve your desired short and long term goals.