Tutors in Groenkloof
Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Groenkloof
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Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Groenkloof tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.
In-Person & Online Lessons
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Our private tutors in Groenkloof near you
Rachel K
Christoff G
Christoff G
Groenkloof, Pretoria
Good day I am currently a third year Civil Engineering student at the University of Pretoria. I passed all my Mathematics, Calculus and Physics subjects necessary for my degree at university. I am very passionate about mathematics and physics. I look forward meeting you and helping you understand and pass you subjects!
Teaches: MathematicsAvailable for lessons in Groenkloof
Natasha D
Natasha D
Groenkloof, Pretoria
I am a chemical engineer with a passion for teaching. I am currently busy studying my Masters degree in chemical engineering at the university of Pretoria and working part-time for a Germany-based software company. I spend my time balancing my passion for languages, piano, fitness and continuous learning to better my qualifications. Nice to meet you!
Teaches: Mathematics, French, German, Chemistry, Physical Science, Grammar, EnglishAvailable for lessons in Groenkloof
Jade S
Jade S
Groenkloof, Pretoria
I am a passionate teacher in training currently in my third year studying foundation phase education at The University Of Pretoria. I am patient and will ensure that you or your children are taught in a fun and memorable way! I am someone who is described as patient, kind and hard working. I love teaching young learners and believe that being a teacher is my calling.
Teaches: Math, English, General Science, Special Needs HelpAvailable for lessons in Groenkloof
Natasha M
Natasha M
Groenkloof, Pretoria
I am a final year BCom Law student, at the University of Pretoria. I have a very flexible timetable and I am willing to help with subjects such as English, CAT and Business Studies. I am very passionate and will always strive to be accommodating and helpful where I can. I am situated in Pretoria central, close to the University of Pretoria.
Teaches: English as a foreign Language, Reading, English, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Groenkloof
Bianca d
Bianca d
Groenkloof, Pretoria
I am currently an Accounting Sciences Honors student at the University of Pretoria. I am a fun-loving, outgoing person who has always been academic orientated. I love photography, travel and I have a passion for teaching others. There is great reward in conveying knowledge to others.
Teaches: AccountancyAvailable for lessons in Groenkloof
Tuscany K
Tuscany K
Groenkloof, Pretoria
I'm a very enthusiastic lady who loves to see growth in other people
Teaches: Statistics, Mathematics, Business Studies, Business Management, Primary School, DramaAvailable for lessons in Groenkloof
Johan P
Johan P
Groenkloof, Pretoria
I am currently in my final year of Civil Engineering at the University of Pretoria. I am passionate about Math and Science and believe that a basic understanding of both should be a cornerstone of every child's education. I'm am an innovative and passionate Maths and Science lover. I am patient and understanding and believe that with the right education your possibilities are endless. I enjoy a challenge and see myself as an alternative thinker , trying to solve problems in unconventional ways. I believe mathematics and science is more than understanding a subject, as it is learning a lifestyle. It is constantly challenging the mind and inspiring creative thinking in order to solve problems. My aim is to help learners better grasp the concept of why they are learning the work and what the real world application is , rather than just showing them how.
Teaches: General Maths & Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, PhysicsAvailable for lessons in Groenkloof
Alexandra B
Claire F
Claire F
Groenkloof, Pretoria
Hi there, I have been a tourism and geography lecturer at UNISA and at TUKS. I understand how the course work is compiled as well as the assignments and exams. I can be of great help. I am passionate about teaching and I have a happy easy personality to get on with and tutor in a fun way.
Teaches: Geography, TourismAvailable for lessons in Groenkloof
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