Psychology tutors near me

Personalized Tutoring Near You Psychology lessons for online or at home learning in South Africa


Psychology tutors in South Africa near you

Rene' O


Rene' O

Grosvenor, Bluff

I have my honors in psychology and am waiting acceptance to begin my masters in psychology. I received a bursary to study my masters in psychology. I am passionate about studying and practicing psychology.

Teaches: English as a foreign Language, Business, Economics, English, English Language, Psychology, Primary School, TEFL
Available for Psychology lessons in South Africa
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Kelly W

Parklands North

Kelly W

Parklands North, Cape Town

I took psychology during 1st and 2nd year of my BA degree at Varsity College. My marks for this subject were: 1st year 1st semester 73%, 1st year 2nd semester 81%, 2nd year 1st semester 70% and 2nd year 2nd semester 67%.

Teaches: English Literature, English as a foreign Language, Vocabulary, Writing, Reading, Literature, Grammar, English, Psychology, Art, Media Studies, History of Art, English skills, English Language and Literature
Available for Psychology lessons in South Africa
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