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Laura C - Tutor in Tyger Valley

Hi, I am 23 and am currently completing my BA (Hons) in Psychological Counselling through UNISA. Last year (2019) I completed my BA Psychology & English (Linguistics) degree through Pearson Institute of Higher Education. I also completed two practical training courses and now volunteer as a lay-counsellor for an NPO and work mostly with individuals who live in informal settlements. My practical work has taught me many skills involved in working with people on an individual level where it is necessary to be warm, caring, empathic, and genuine. I have a great love for my field of study and hope that others can benefit from it as much as I have. I have about 4 years of experience as an au pair at high school level and thus have experience in assisting with academic assignments and studying for tests.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Public Place and Online

Travelling distance

Laura will travel 20km within Tyger Valley, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Laura speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-07-01 - 2021-12-31

I volunteer as a lay-counsellor at an NPO, and although we have many facilities across Pretoria, I generally work in the informal settlements. I counsel individuals who need a safe space to have their thoughts heard or don't know how to cope with their current situations.

2017-02-01 - 2019-11-30
BA Psychology & English (Linguistics) - Pearson Institute of Higher Education

Subjects taught
  • Psychology

    I have very good knowledge of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year psychology modules offered at university level. I am looking to specifically tutor the following modules: -Developmental Psychology -Abnormal Behaviour / Psychopathology -Personality Theories If students would like to request tutoring for other modules, such as Neuropsychology, I would be happy to consider.

    Laura teaches Psychology at University/College level(s)