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Logan P - Tutor in Paardevlei

Hi my name is Logan. I am a mentor with sober habits. I can assist with subjects in IT and Primary school subjects(CAPS). My educational background is B.ed education, IT - networking. Let me walk with you towards your goal. Look forward to hearing from you.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Logan will travel 10km from Paardevlei, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Logan speaks Afrikaans and English

2014-03-10 - 2018-12-31

Lesson Preparation for subjects taught - English Additional Language, Natural Science, Social Science, Setting test and exam papers for Natural Science, Social Science Marking of books, test papers and exams

2019-01-15 - 2019-11-29
IT - networking (not completed) - Prestige Academy

Subjects covered : A+, VoIP, basic project management, CCNA, CWNA

2010-02-08 - 2013-11-30
B.ed degree - CPUT - Cape Peninsula University of Technology

B.ed degree in education duration 4 years.

Subjects taught
  • Business Studies

    The subject Business Studies topics need elaboration and credible examples. In this view the learner can create a better explanation when it comes to answering questions in a test setting. Activities create insightful clarity to topics covered.

    Logan teaches Business Studies at High School level(s)

  • Reading

    When reading any material, the reader should always ask questions while reading to create sense of what is being read. In this you create a thought pattern of what the writer is saying. Stepping away from the text and coming back to read it again can unlock a better insight to comprehension.

    Logan teaches Reading at Primary School level(s)

  • Computing and ICT

    In the industry of computing and ICT relates to communication that is taking place over a network. This network can be wired or wireless. In this light there are standards and protocols that are put in place so that these networks can carry the signal from one point to another. The OSI model (Open Systems Interconnect) supports the understanding of these concepts.

    Logan teaches Computing and ICT at University/College level(s)

  • Psychology

    This forms the structure to get a better idea how individuals respond and act to stimulus. Obtaining this knowledge is essential when teaching in any setting. In this light there are theorists that support evidence in there research. You as the student have to read and comprehend these topics that will support the views and opinions you want to contribute when writing a paper.

    Logan teaches Psychology at University/College level(s)