Primary School tutors near me

Personalized Tutoring Near You Primary School lessons for online or at home learning in South Africa


Primary School tutors in South Africa near you

Chanet V

Lynnwood Manor

Chanet V

Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria

I love children and enjoy helping and supporting children to reach their full potential.

Teaches: Mathematics, Geography, Afrikaans, English Language, Primary School
Available for Primary School lessons in South Africa
Melissa S


Melissa S

Hatfield, Pretoria

My knowledge of the foundations of the subjects which are taught in primary school are proficient. I find it easy to explain concepts such that it is easy for the student to grasp. I also have a passion for teaching younger children.

Teaches: Statistics, Trigonometry, General Maths & Science, Mathematics Literacy, Linear Algebra, Math, Algebra, Calculus, Mathematics, Pure Maths, Zulu, Physical Science, Primary School
Available for Primary School lessons in South Africa
10 km travel radius Get Started Get Started
Colleen M

Burgundy Estate

Colleen M

Burgundy Estate, Cape Town

I am a qualified SACE registered teacher with English Home Language and Life Orientation subject didactics.

Teaches: English Literature, English as a foreign Language, English Language, Primary School, TEFL, English skills, English Language and Literature, IELTS
Available for Primary School lessons in South Africa