English Language and Literature tutors in Rondebosch

Personalized Tutoring Near You English Language and Literature lessons for online or at home learning in Rondebosch


English Language and Literature tutors in Rondebosch near you

Sinead S


Isla S


Isla S

Rondebosch, Cape Town

I achieved 96% for this subject in my final NSC examinations in 2018, which was the 5th highest mark in the Western Cape and the top mark at my school, Herschel Girls, which was the top academically performing school in the western cape that year.

Teaches: General Maths & Science, Mathematics, Pure Maths, Biology, Physical Science, Grammar, English Language and Literature
Available for English Language and Literature lessons in Rondebosch
7 km travel radius Get Started Get Started
Joshua B


Joshua B

Rondebosch, Cape Town

I am a native English speaker who is passionate about literature. I also have a 120 hour TESOL course qualification which equips me to teach the language. Beyond that, I achieved 85% for English in matric.

Teaches: English as a foreign Language, Mathematics, Geography, Biology, Physical Science, English Language and Literature
Available for English Language and Literature lessons in Rondebosch
5 km travel radius Get Started Get Started
James R


Courtney C
