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Louise W - Tutor in Belvedere

I am a helper by nature. This is why I studied law - I wanted to be a voice and an activist for those who are at a disadvantage in society. It's also why I qualified as a teacher; I love the learning process and I am passionate about helping others to reach their potential. Being a helper is also what motivated me to study psychology and I have just completed my undergraduate degree. I have travelled and worked in countries around the world and this allows me to add a richness and depth to the way that I teach. I have an appreciation for the uniqueness of each person and as your tutor and learning partner, I will seek to build a working relationship with you that will allow you not only to "survive" those tests and exams but to thrive. And most importantly, we will have fun and we will enjoy the journey. I enjoy running, mountain biking, the ocean and the outdoors. I enjoy cooking, reading, writing, poetry and a good movie.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Languages spoken

Louise speaks English

None mentioned.
2004 - 2004
Bachelor's (other) Law - University of Stellenbosch

2012 - 2012
Bachelor's (other) English Language - University of South Africa

2016 - 2016
Bachelor's (other) Psychology - University of South Africa