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Chrizanne D


Chrizanne D

Lorraine, Port Elizabeth

I am a qualified Intermediate Phase teacher with a Bachelors in education. I was recently employed as a full-time Primary School English and Natural Science teacher. My majors also include mathematics, however I have ample training in language teaching as well. I taught students grade 4 to 7. I am a caring and compassionate teacher with more than 2 years of total teaching experience. I am passionate about teaching young individuals and deeply committed to enhancing and supporting comprehensive educations. I enjoy teaching and fostering a positive learning environment. I believe myself to be a good problem-solver and communicator with success in various classroom size groups. My philosophy regarding teaching is closely linked to the behaviourism theory and positive reinforcement. If positive behaviour is established, active learning is more efficient and effective. Meaningful learning also involves a constructivism approach; therefore, it is essential to cater for diverse students with different educational needs and backgrounds. I believe if these theories are successfully applied in the classroom, students will be able to develop holistically into successful contributing citizens. I would like to further explore these practices. Through continuous reflection and adaptation, I believe I can make a meaningful difference in students’ lives.

Teaches: Mathematics, Afrikaans, English, Natural Sciences
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