Afrikaans tutors in Port Elizabeth
Personalized Tutoring Near You Afrikaans lessons for online or at home learning in Port Elizabeth
Afrikaans tutors in Port Elizabeth near you
Monique S
Theescombe AH
Monique S
Theescombe AH, Port Elizabeth
Afrikaans is my home language and I went to a Afrikaans Primary and High school. I believe Afrikaans is a important language to learn. Our national language is English but it is always good to have a second language to fall back on.
Teaches: Afrikaans, ReadingAvailable for Afrikaans lessons in Port Elizabeth
Chrizanne D
Chrizanne D
Lorraine, Port Elizabeth
It is my Home Language and I have also had language training as part of my education degree. I find that many learners have difficulty with the subject and this leads to a lack of interest. I believe in setting realistic goals and working towards building the learners confidence in the language. This in turn will eventually leads to the success of the learner.
Teaches: Mathematics, Afrikaans, English, Natural SciencesAvailable for Afrikaans lessons in Port Elizabeth