Tutors in Newlands
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Our private tutors in Newlands near you
Tanya H
Regan B
Regan B
Newlands, Cape Town
I am a medical student who is passionate about learning and the future of our country. I want to do all that I can to provide others with greater opportunities for success. I have a good understanding of learning techniques and am a confident and assured relationship-maker. I can explain concepts well and always see the potential in people and I have a passion to see people reach their potential. I teach maths, english, natural and physical sciences
Teaches: Mathematics, Biology, PhysicsAvailable for lessons in Newlands
Bianca S
Bianca S
Newlands, Cape Town
I am currently a 4rd year medical student at the University of Cape Town. I enjoy the life science part of my studies, but mathematics has always been my favorite subject. I obtained 93% for mathematics in high school and enjoy problem solving. I am passionate about education and helping students achieve their goals on an academic level. The subjects I enjoy teaching includes: Life science, mathematics, Afrikaans and science.
Teaches: Pure MathsAvailable for lessons in Newlands
Nina B
Nina B
Newlands, Cape Town
I prefer to tutor grades 4-8. I can tutor in most subjects up to grade 9, apart from Afrikaans, which I will only teach up to Grade 7. I've attended several study courses, including the Juno course. These courses have really helped me and I'd love to show my students how easy it can be to learn and memorize. With our academic oriented society, the self-esteem of students often takes a few hits. It's important to me as a teacher that my students understand that their mistakes are part of a learning process. I'm admittedly young, but I achieve excellent results as a straight A student, which I have been my whole school career, and I have experience dealing with different learning styles.
Teaches: Mathematics, Geography, French, Natural Sciences, English Language, Primary SchoolAvailable for lessons in Newlands
Stephanie A
Stephanie A
Newlands, Cape Town
Teaches: English Literature, Mathematics, History, Economics, Biology
Available for lessons in Newlands
Pamela N
Pamela N
Newlands, Cape Town
I love tourism, travel and discovery and of new culture, languages and habits. I love to meet people from different regions of the world as it always gives one a new experience, a new knowledge, an open mind... I like sport (Basketball, swimming, soccer, rugby), I practice some. I like music and reading.
Teaches: French, BiologyAvailable for lessons in Newlands
Emma B
Emma B
Newlands, Cape Town
I am a Dean's List scholar who's interests lie in Economics, Politics and Philosophy.
Teaches: Economics, AccountancyAvailable for lessons in Newlands
Rachelle T
Rachelle T
Newlands, Cape Town
I am a patient, kind and caring 4th year Medical student who is responsible and reliable.
Teaches: Mathematics, Afrikaans, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Human Biology, MicrobiologyAvailable for lessons in Newlands
Ashley R
Ashley R
Newlands, Cape Town
I am currently in my final year of a BCom in Economics and Finance. I love maths and am very passionate about learning.
Teaches: Further Maths, Mathematics, History, Economics, BiologyAvailable for lessons in Newlands
Richard C
Richard C
Newlands, Cape Town
I am a British citizen who has lived in South Africa for the past 12 years. I was born in the UK and bought up in Singapore and HongKong. I was schooled in all three countries. My tertiary education was in the UK, Italy and South Africa. I hold a BA (Hons) in Economics and Italian, an MSc in Finance, an MComm in Economics as well as a PhD in Economics. I am thus well suited to teach economics, finance, mathematics for economics as well as Italian (upto advanced inetrmediate level).
Teaches: Statistics, Further Maths, Mathematics, Pure Maths, Italian, Economics, NumeracyAvailable for lessons in Newlands
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