Tutors in Willowild
Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Willowild
Our Service to You
Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Willowild tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.
In-Person & Online Lessons
Our tutors travel to you and teach in the comfort of your home. We also provide tutors for online sessions.
Hands On Willowild Tutor Services
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Our private tutors in Willowild near you
Gabriela C
Gabriela C
Willowild, Sandton
Hi! My name is Gabriela but you can call me Gabi! I am, as of this year, a second-year Chemical Engineering student. I was really good with mathematics and physical science in high school and I believe my degree has helped further develop this knowledge. I also studied art till matric so I don't only have numbers on the brain; I'm creative and open-minded. I have never been a naturally gifted individual when it has come to learning and studying; I have performed well due to my ability to work hard. Therefore, I know how it feels to struggle with concepts and battle my way through specific sections to succeed and master them. I'm super patient and will always do my best to help you get to where you need to be!
Teaches: Math, Afrikaans, Chemistry, Physics, ArtAvailable for lessons in Willowild
Kenny C
Kenny C
Willowild, Sandton
I have always considered myself to be a person who is intimately captivated by helping other people and making the world a better place in any way possible. I am more motivated to complete and attain a goal that helps another person than I am to which helps me. I have kindly tolerant personality however I am very persistent to push others to keep striving to be better. I am not very much outspoken but it is complimented by kindness which makes it seem like I talk out a lot than I actually do. I am a very technical person with a great desire in technology and sport.
Teaches: Computer Programming, Electrical and Electronic EngineeringAvailable for lessons in Willowild
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At Turtlejar Tutoring, we're committed to connecting you to the best possible Willowild tutor that will allow you to achieve your desired short and long term goals.