tutor avatar

Kenny C - Tutor in Willowild

I have always considered myself to be a person who is intimately captivated by helping other people and making the world a better place in any way possible. I am more motivated to complete and attain a goal that helps another person than I am to which helps me. I have kindly tolerant personality however I am very persistent to push others to keep striving to be better. I am not very much outspoken but it is complimented by kindness which makes it seem like I talk out a lot than I actually do. I am a very technical person with a great desire in technology and sport.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Kenny will travel 30km from Willowild, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Kenny speaks English

2016-01-01 - 2016-12-18
Intern Software Developer

Used various computing tools (VBA, excel, and Visual Basic.net) to optimize and maintain software systems and develop business strategies and solutions . Performed Data Capture and data processing Prepared documents and performed digitization on records and files

2014-01-01 - 2015-11-30
Advanced Level - Churchill Boys High School

Did Advanced Level Sciences, Maths Physics and Computing

2017-02-20 - 2020-11-23
Beng Electrical and Electronics Engineering - UJ

Still Studying

Subjects taught
  • Computer Programming

    From a very early age I always had interest in technological applications. My personal drive and passion towards how things worked led me on a pathway that kept me well informed on abstract knowledge and concepts. Having taught myself many programming languages I have had exposure to many best practices and this experience has helped gain practical insight on how to master a topic or subject outside a traditional classroom. With that in mind, I would make the best tutor for this subject because coupled with a rich array of in-depth programming concepts, I avail my passion in technology to diligently provide best practices and convenient approach outside of traditional classroom.

    Kenny teaches Computer Programming at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)

  • Electrical and Electronic Engineering

    From a very early age I always had interest in technological applications. My personal drive and passion towards how things worked led me on a pathway that kept me well informed on abstract knowledge and concepts. Having taught myself many programming languages I have had exposure to many best practices and this experience has helped gain practical insight on how to master a topic or subject outside a traditional classroom. With that in mind, I would make the best tutor for this subject because coupled with a rich array of in-depth programming concepts, I avail my passion in technology to diligently provide best practices and convenient approach outside of traditional classroom.

    Kenny teaches Electrical and Electronic Engineering at High School and University/College level(s)