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Janice M - Tutor in Country Club

I am a third-year student. I currently work at a Primary school as a teacher's assistant for grade 3's. I have experience teaching grade 1- 3. With a lot of patience I try to explain concepts and content in various way to make sure the learner understands. I have tutored a grade 4 learner previously, focusing on Maths and English to improve. My home language is Afrikaans but I am studying in English as my homelanguage and also teaching at a school with English as teaching language.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Janice will travel 30km from Country Club, Langebaan, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Janice speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-01-01 - 2025-12-15
student teacher

Hi assist the teacher with teaching and performing task in the classroom. I also assist the weaker children who struggle to keep up with the rest of the class and those who take longer to grasp the concepts that needs a little extra attention.

2019-02-01 - 2022-11-30
Bed: Foundation Phase - Nort west university

I am currently in my second year of studies. My studies specialise from grade 1 up to grade 3.

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I teach primary school children from grade 1- 3 Math skills every day. I have experience in remedial training for Math and calculating problems. I break the concepts down to their understanding level and try to help them understand it in their own way.

    Janice teaches Mathematics at Primary School level(s)

  • Afrikaans

    Afrikaans is my home language which I do take pride in. I also have Afrikaans as one of my subjects in university. I try to explain Afrikaans concepts in a way that would be easy enough for learners who has Afrikaans as a second language to understand it. I also teach grade 1- 3 the basic introductions of Afrikaans as their second language.

    Janice teaches Afrikaans at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Microsoft Excel

    I had computer application technoloy (CAT) as a school subject for 3 years. I was taught how to use Microsoft Excel, Word and powerpoint. I know Excel on an intermediate level, from border to formulas.

    Janice teaches Microsoft Excel at High School and Adult level(s)

  • Vocabulary

    I teach primary school children from grade 1- 3 English language skills every day. I have experience in remedial training with language skills. I break the concepts down to their understanding level and try to help them understand it in their own way.

    Janice teaches Vocabulary at Primary School level(s)

  • Reading

    There are lots of children who has a reading problem without parents realising it. While studing, student teachers have subjects that address these problems and give us remedial options on how to help children improve their reading skills and abilities with a little extra attention.

    Janice teaches Reading at Primary School level(s)

  • Grammar

    I teach primary school children from grade 1- 3 English Language skills every day. I have experience in remedial training with language skills. I break the concepts down to their understanding level and try to help them understand it in their own way.

    Janice teaches Grammar at Primary School level(s)

  • English skills

    I teach primary school children from grade 1- 3 English language skills every day. I have experience in remedial training with language skills. I break the concepts down to their understanding level and try to help them understand it in their own way.

    Janice teaches English skills at Primary School level(s)

  • English Language and Literature

    I teach primary school children from grade 1- 3 English language skills every day. I have experience in remedial training with language skills. I break the concepts down to their understanding level and try to help them understand it in their own way.

    Janice teaches English Language and Literature at Primary School level(s)