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Cuan M - Tutor in Retief

I am a student at Unisa studying towards Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and Mathematics. I am a very focused student and I have a passion for mathematics and computer science. I have also studied towards a Software Developing Diploma and I have also done some work as a Software Designer.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Cuan will travel 35km from Retief, Despatch, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Cuan speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-09-13 - 2019-10-14
Software Designer

As a Software Designer I was ut in charge of shadowing the business I as employed for to better understand the manual processes that needed to be automated, and then I needed to create the design documents for the app being created to be approved by the Director of the business, and communicate with my team to create the app successfully.

2017-01-16 - 2018-08-11
DIp Software Development - Varsity College

I studied towards a Diploma in Software Development for one and a half years till my study funds ran dry and I could not continue. I was determined however to carry on and now I am studying at a Nsfas approved institute to help me complete my degree towards Computer Science.

Subjects taught
  • Math

    I have a passion for mathematics, and I am currently studying towards a degree in mathematics too, I have also always done really well in the subject, and have done tutoring in the subject on a primary school level

    Cuan teaches Math at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Calculus

    I have a passion for mathematics, and I am currently studying towards a degree in mathematics too, I have also always done really well in the subject, and have done tutoring in the subject on a primary school level. I have also done calculas at a first year level

    Cuan teaches Calculus at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Pure Maths

    I have a passion for mathematics, and I am currently studying towards a degree in mathematics too, I have also always done really well in the subject, and have done tutoring in the subject on a primary school level

    Cuan teaches Pure Maths at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Computer

    I have always had a passion for Computing, this passion has pushed me on towards studying Software Develpment and now Computer Science. I have some work experience as a Systems Designer and I have a lot of skills down over the years.

    Cuan teaches Computer at High School, Primary School, University/College, and Adult level(s)

  • Java

    I have always had a passion for Computing, this passion has pushed me on towards studying Software Develpment and now Computer Science. I have some work experience as a Systems Designer and I have a lot of skills down over the years. I have completed a full 1st year Java course at Varsity College and believe I know the language very well.

    Cuan teaches Java at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Computer Programming

    I have studied towards a Software Development Diploma and I am now busy with Computer Science. I have learned the languages of Java, C#, SQL, C++, HTML. I have gained some useful experience as a Systems Designer and still willing to keep on learning

    Cuan teaches Computer Programming at High School and Primary School level(s)