Tutors in Valmary Park

Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Valmary Park


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Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Valmary Park tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.

In-Person & Online Lessons

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Our private tutors in Valmary Park near you

Janet Ellen R

Valmary Park

Janet Ellen R

Valmary Park, Cape Town

I am a young, energetic individual with a healthy attitude towards others. I have a great passion for gaining knowledge and understanding what I’ve learnt. I am determined and driven, with attention to detail. I live a balanced lifestyle, and enjoy spending time outdoors, and with family and friends. I was always driven to pursue a career in Psychology. In 2010, I started my professional journey within the field. I obtained my BA Humanities degree majoring in Psychology from the University of Stellenbosch in 2012 . During this period, I volunteered at rural daycare organisations, NGO's, and animal shelters. I also worked as a Doctor's assistant during holidays. In 2013, I received my Psychology Honours (with distinction) at Rhodes University. I was also a Psychology Tutor for students. I volunteered at the Fort England Mental Institution on a weekly basis to expose patients to the world outside of the institution. I also served as a voluntary psychology counsellor on the Phelophepa Healthcare Train where I counselled over 20 clients and delivered over 15 workshops for communities with scarce to no medical resources. From 2014-2015 I completed a Masters degree in health and well-being design; working with the youth to develop a mobile application focused on providing relevant health and well-being information for the youth (specifically focusing on emotional needs). I also completed the MAD4MAD (Mobile Application Design for Medical Application Development) Mini Intensive Course, and attended and presented at the ISD4D (Information System Development for Development) research conference in Mozambique. I facilitated multiple youth development workshops pertaining to health and well-being as part of different community service initiatives. I also attended and presented the 13th Participatory Design Conference in Namibia - volunteering in the informal housing communities. In 2015, I completed my Psychometrics internship through the University of Stellenbosch; and passed the HPCSA board examination. During this time I grew particularly fond of Hesketh treatment and rehabilitation center. I volunteered there on a weekly basis - administering, scoring, and providing feedback to patients that may assist in a successful career. Currently, I am a freelance Psychometrist (Independent Practice) and Life Skills lecturer/workshop facilitator. I administer psychometric assessments and give feedback to students at the University of Western Cape as part of a grade-improvement program to assist students in creating a bright future. I also deliver workshops on all Life Skills (such as 'Healthy communication and Conflict management', 'HIV/AIDS awareness', 'Presentation skills', etc.) and Office/Business Skills. Lastly, I administer the newest full personality and/or career assessments

Teaches: Statistics, Afrikaans, Biology, Psychology, Art, English Language and Literature, Art and Design
Available for lessons in Valmary Park

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