Tutors in South Africa

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Our private tutors in South Africa near you

Sathar I


Sathar I

Bryanston, Johannesburg

Teaches: General Maths & Science, Mathematics, Afrikaans, Business Studies, General Science, Accountancy, Business Management, Primary School, English Language and Literature
Available for lessons in South Africa
Natasha R

Allen's Nek

Byron V

Summer Greens

Byron V

Summer Greens, Cape Town

Hi there, I am Byron, I am currently studying my honors in Geology and of coarse have my degree. I have a world of knowledge in the sciences as well as the earth itself. I seek to find knowledge anywhere I can and have been studying for 5 years now. I am specializing in petroleum geology which requires me to know many things, from technology to machinery. With my many years of studying I have come to understand that education is the most important thing a person can posses, which is something I was unaware of in school. With my studying also comes academic knowledge on how to study, how to write reports or essays, referencing, researching and understanding what is being read. I attended Milnerton High School and loved it there. I have a love for sport, bodybuilding and science. I do not drink or smoke and very rarely go out clubbing as it serves very little purpose in life. I feel obligated to help anyone possible as everyone has a right to be educated and make the most of themselves. As a young person I can also relate to many things and I do pride myself in my ability to put information across. In honors we are required to give many presentations, which I feel I can help with too. Many of my friends attribute their marks to me helping them during exams and assignments, which shows me I am able to work well with people and also educate them. Thank you for taking the time to read a bit about me.

Teaches: Geography, Geology
Available for lessons in South Africa
Melanie J


Melanie J


Teaches: General Maths & Science, Pure Maths, Natural Sciences
Available for lessons in South Africa

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