Tutors in Parklands North

Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Parklands North


Our Service to You

Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Parklands North tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.

In-Person & Online Lessons

Our tutors travel to you and teach in the comfort of your home. We also provide tutors for online sessions.

Hands On Parklands North Tutor Services

Guaranteed happiness with your first tutoring lesson. Not happy? We arrange a new tutor with your first lesson on us!

Our private tutors in Parklands North near you

Kelly W

Parklands North

Kelly W

Parklands North, Cape Town

Kelly has studied film production, interior design, and has a degree in English literature & communication science. She has a knack for essay writing and loves to come up with fun little tips & tricks for studying & memorizing content.

Teaches: English Literature, English as a foreign Language, Vocabulary, Writing, Reading, Literature, Grammar, English, Psychology, Art, Media Studies, History of Art, English skills, English Language and Literature
Available for lessons in Parklands North
10 km travel radius Get Started Get Started

100% Tutor Match Guarantee or Money Back

At Turtlejar Tutoring, we're committed to connecting you to the best possible Parklands North tutor that will allow you to achieve your desired short and long term goals.