Tutors in Fairways
Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Fairways
Our Service to You
Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Fairways tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.
In-Person & Online Lessons
Our tutors travel to you and teach in the comfort of your home. We also provide tutors for online sessions.
Hands On Fairways Tutor Services
Guaranteed happiness with your first tutoring lesson. Not happy? We arrange a new tutor with your first lesson on us!
Our private tutors in Fairways near you
Chandre S
Chandre S
Fairways, Cape Town
I completed matric in 2010 and went on to study Chemistry at university level. I obtained my BSc degree in 2013, Honours in 2014 and MSc degree in 2017. I have just recently submitted my PhD thesis and am awaiting my results. I have always had a strong understanding of maths and science,
Teaches: Math, ChemistryAvailable for lessons in Fairways
Ryan C
Ryan C
Fairways, Cape Town
I am a committed, enthusiastic and creative schoolteacher with eight years of valued experience teaching grades 6, 7 and 8. I enjoy using humour and imagination in my teaching. My passion is the holistic development of each student. Through my experience in dealing with the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being of students across various cultural and economic backgrounds I feel that I am a confident and capable educator.
Teaches: General Maths & Science, Geography, Primary School, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Fairways
Kelly N
Kelly N
Fairways, Cape Town
-Reading -Travelling -Surfing and quadbiking -Interaction and making new friends -Challenging myselfI am currently a student at the University of Cape Town studying audiology. I have a passion for biology and geography as its two subjects that are practical and can be easily learnt. My interests include everything involving the outdoors; surfing, running, quad biking and sunset drives. I am very friendly and love teaching others my way of learning
Teaches: Geography, Afrikaans, Biology, English LanguageAvailable for lessons in Fairways
100% Tutor Match Guarantee or Money Back
At Turtlejar Tutoring, we're committed to connecting you to the best possible Fairways tutor that will allow you to achieve your desired short and long term goals.