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Bianca B - Tutor in Eden Glen

I am currently doing a under grad in B.Ed foundation phase. I am in my third year. I have always loved being around children and teaching, but only realised late in life that I wanted to teach as a career. I have worked for two years at Founders Hill College and gone from strength to strength, starting off as librarian and earned the role of Head of grade 6. I also taught foundation phase digital literacy and was the first person to integrate personal and social wellbeing with computers for grades 4 through to 6. I left to put my studies first and in the meantime will be tutoring to keep my love for teaching going whilst I study. I am 38 years old and have 3 children of my own, aged 14, 10 and 6. Life is busy, but I would not have it any other way. I am looking forward to helping and teaching you!

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Online

Travelling distance

Bianca will travel 10km from Eden Glen, Edenvale, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Bianca speaks English

2016-06-01 - 2019-10-29

I am a mom of three children, aged 13,10 and 5. I get them up and ready for school. Whilst they are at school, I assist my husband with his business doing some data capture and making phone calls. I also study during this time. I fetch the children from school and attend to their homework and studying needs with them. Once I have completed that I have some time to study again and before I know it, it's time for bed and the next day begins.

2018-02-05 - 2019-10-29
Bachelor of Education Foundation Phase - Unisa

I am currently working through my degree. I am near the end of my 2nd year at Unisa. I am thoroughly enjoying studying again and looking forward to having a degree behind my name.

2000-01-27 - 2002-11-27
Diploma in travel and tourism - Boston City Campus

Subjects taught
  • Primary School

    I enjoy children in the primary school phase as well as foundation phase. They are willing and eager to learn and gain as much knowledge as possible. They are easy to talk to and a vast amount of children have the best sense of humour. I can assist with any subject in the primary and foundation phase.

    Bianca teaches Primary School at Primary School level(s)

  • TEFL

    I would love to assist people who are wanting or needing to improve their English skills and speaking English. There are a lot of complicated aspects to English however, as an English speaking person, I believe I can assist!

    Bianca teaches TEFL at Primary School level(s)


    I am currently doing the IELTS preparation myself, and I believe I can assist others in this as I am gaining first hand knowledge as I go. I am almost complete in the course and will be writing the exam at the end of the year. English is a complicated subject and I do believe that when working with someone, the task is easier and better understood when working as two.

    Bianca teaches IELTS at Adult level(s)