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Carmen K - Tutor in Murrayfield

I have been in the academic field for 22 years. I started working as a teaching assistant, student lab assistant, subject tutor and lecturer since 1997. I have a master's degree in information science and currently am pursuing an undergraduate degree in forensic science. I have a keen eye for detail and is highly efficient in organising and presenting information in a user-friendly format so that the student will understand the material better. I have a strong work ethic and believe that a good education is the foundation of our future in the information society. I am innovative in my thinking, patient when teaching and open to new ideas and methods. I believe in making learning fun and inspiring by nurturing curiosity, guide attempts at understanding and to provide an environment for exploration and asking questions. I also believe that everyone has unique and special gifts that can contribute to the building and sustaining of a productive and efficient work force. I love to learn new and exciting things, be able to share those things and to always be curious about the world we live in. I like to read as much as I can about a variety of topics.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home and Online

Travelling distance

Carmen will travel 10km from Murrayfield, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Carmen speaks English

1997 - 2020-12-31

I am involved in several teaching and education projects. I am currently tutoring students from Grade 1 to adults, covering various subjects (Afrikaans, English, Mathematics, Mathematics Literacy, Economics, Business Studies, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences, Computer Applications Technology) and Academic Literacy (reading skills, writing skills, study methods, research methodology). I enjoy helping others reach their full potential and therefore love interacting with my students. My involvement with both domestic and international students have taught me valuable lessons in helping me prepare in a creative, fun and innovative manner. I also believe in encouraging my students to do the best they can and it is important that they should be supported in every way I can provide.

2003 - 2003
Other Computing and ICT - University of Pretoria

2016 - 2016
Bachelor's (other) Law - University of South Africa