tutor avatar

Alice M - Tutor in Randpark

I am a first year MBBCh student studying at Wits who graduated high school second in my grade and with 8 distinctions. I love Mathematics and Science and have always enjoyed explaining and teaching. I have a lot of patience and aspire to teach the small tips and tricks that helped me do well in High School.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Online

Travelling distance

Alice will travel 15km from Randpark, Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Alice speaks Portuguese and English

2019-12-01 - 2020-01-10
Course Developer

Compiling questions for an NBT-preparatory course for Think Digital College

2020-01-10 - 2025-12-10
MBBCh 1 - Wits

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Medicine. Ongoing

2015-01-10 - 2019-11-28
Matric Certificate - Woodhill College

High School education with Bachelor's degree pass.

Subjects taught
  • Mathematics

    I have always helped my friends with Mathematics during my High School years and found the concepts easy to understand. I use different methods to grasp the concepts better and make the work as easy as possible. I did very well in my finals and would love to help others do so as well.

    Alice teaches Mathematics at High School level(s)

  • Portuguese

    I come from Brazil therefore my mother tongue is Portuguese. I love the language and would love to be able to share it with those around me. Since I have been in South Africa for so long I know how to explain the concepts better to those who don't speak it as a first language.

    Alice teaches Portuguese at High School level(s)

  • Science

    The best way to learn Physics and Chemistry is by learning all the tricks and understanding the concepts well. The subject is not inherently hard, but grasping the concepts and its inner workings can be tricky when the teacher isn't suitable.

    Alice teaches Science at High School level(s)

  • English

    I love English. I came top of my grade for English in my finals and have always had a passion for the beautiful language. Doing well in English is about having the right attitude towards the work and knowing how the moderators want the questions to be answered.

    Alice teaches English at High School level(s)