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Anneska N - Tutor in Annlin

I am currently a fourth year medical student, but I already have two other degrees as well. With six years of tutoring experience under my belt, I am confident that I can successfully communicate key concepts to pupils. There is no greater pleasure than to see the smile on a pupil's face when they get their progress report and it is better than the last one.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Travelling distance

Anneska will travel 15km from Annlin, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Anneska speaks Afrikaans and English

2014-01-06 -

2019-01-07 - 2022-11-30
MBBCh - Univerity of Witwatersrand

This is a medical degree to become a general practitioner.

2018-01-15 - 2018-11-30
BSc Honours in Pharmacology - University of Pretoria

This degree warranted a research project with writing of a journal article at completion of the project. Throughout the year I received extensive training on lab protocols, how to work with different lab equipment as well as statistical software used in the field of pharmacology.

2014-01-27 - 2017-11-30
BSc Medical Sciences - University of Pretoria

This degree focussed on everything to do with the medical field including anatomy, physiology, psychology, pharmacology, biochemistry, statistics and physics.