Tawanda M - Tutor in Umbilo

I hold a BSc in Biochemistry and Chemistry summa cum laude (UKZN), BSc Honours in Medicinal Chemistry summa cum laude (Rhodes University) and a Master of Medical Science degree summa cum laude (UKZN). With all these accolades, I have become certain that there is a place for me to contribute towards empowering others to attain similar achievements.I hold a BSc in Biochemistry and Chemistry summa cum laude (UKZN), BSc Honours in Medicinal Chemistry summa cum laude (Rhodes University) and a Master of Medical Science degree summa cum laude (UKZN). With all these accolades, I have become certain that there is a place for me to contribute to the advancement of science in South Africa. I am so passionate about empowering others with my secret towards good academic grades.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Languages spoken

Tawanda speaks English

None mentioned.
2013 - 2013
BSc Biochemistry - University of KwaZulu-Natal

2013 - 2013
BSc Chemistry - University of KwaZulu-Natal

2016 - 2016
MSc Medicine - University of KwaZulu-Natal

2014 - 2014
Bachelor's (other) Chemistry - Rhodes University