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Michaela K - Tutor in Lorraine

My name is Michaela and I ma a 22 year old female living in sunny South Africa. I have a passion for nature, animals and conservation owing to my time spent studying Zoology and Physiology. I also enjoy painting and drawing, reading a good book, spending time with my family and drinking lots of tea and coffee. I grew up speaking English as my home language (my mother is an English teacher) and offer tutoring for subjects such as Biology, English Literature, Mathematics to university students, high school students and my two younger sisters. My strength lies in Biology and Physiology. After many years in High School and University, I know that there is a wide variety of teaching styles out there. While I enjoy using a wide variety of methods to help people learn and understand anything they are struggling with, ultimately the methods need to include a gentle approach, a little bit of fun and focus on whatever works best for the student. Learning needs to be done in an encouraging environment with focus on a positive attitude. I hope I can help you with whatever you need as ensuring others achieve their goals gives me an immense sense of satisfaction and pride.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Online

Travelling distance

Michaela will travel 10km from Lorraine, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Michaela speaks Afrikaans and English

2016-01-01 - 2020-06-01

Tutoring my younger siblings in History, English and Biology, especially during the lockdown period.

2016-03-01 - 2016-08-31

Tutored Grade 6s Mathematics

2020-02-01 - 2021-12-31
Zoology Masters - Nelson Mandela University

Project looks at the affect of coastal erosion on sea turtles within South Africa

2019-02-01 - 2019-12-31
Zoology Honours - Nelson Mandela University

2016-02-01 - 2018-12-31
BSc Zoology and Physiology with a minor in Botany - Nelson Mandela University

Completed cum laude

Subjects taught
  • History

    Received an A+/distinction level for History in school. I was top of my class and received the History trophy for two years in a row. I often tutor my younger siblings in History and assist them with homework, essay writing assignments and exam preparation.

    Michaela teaches History at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Science

    All of my tertiary education revolves around science. I have a Bachelors degree in Science which I passed cum laude, majoring in Zoology and Physiology. I also did postgraduate work, completing my Zoology Honours in 2019. I am currently doing my Master's degree in Zoology, with a project focused on turtles and coastal erosion. During High school and university, I tutored fellow students before tests and exams and helped them with homework and assignments. Currently, I tutor my younger sisters in biology and science.

    Michaela teaches Science at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)

  • Biology

    All of my tertiary education revolves around science. I have a Bachelors degree in Science which I passed cum laude, majoring in Zoology and Physiology. I also did postgraduate work, completing my Zoology Honours in 2019. I am currently doing my Master's degree in Zoology, with a project focused on turtles and coastal erosion. During High school and university, I tutored fellow students before tests and exams and helped them with homework and assignments. Currently, I tutor my younger sisters in biology and science.

    Michaela teaches Biology at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)

  • General Science

    All of my tertiary education revolves around science. I have a Bachelors degree in Science which I passed cum laude, majoring in Zoology and Physiology. I also did postgraduate work, completing my Zoology Honours in 2019. I am currently doing my Master's degree in Zoology, with a project focused on turtles and coastal erosion. During High school and university, I tutored fellow students before tests and exams and helped them with homework and assignments. Currently, I tutor my younger sisters in biology and science.

    Michaela teaches General Science at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)

  • Natural Sciences

    All of my tertiary education revolves around science. I have a Bachelors degree in Science which I passed cum laude, majoring in Zoology and Physiology. I also did postgraduate work, completing my Zoology Honours in 2019. I am currently doing my Master's degree in Zoology, with a project focused on turtles and coastal erosion. During High school and university, I tutored fellow students before tests and exams and helped them with homework and assignments. Currently, I tutor my younger sisters in biology and science.

    Michaela teaches Natural Sciences at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)

  • Environmental Science

    All of my tertiary education revolves around science. I have a Bachelors degree in Science which I passed cum laude, majoring in Zoology and Physiology. I also did postgraduate work, completing my Zoology Honours in 2019. I am currently doing my Master's degree in Zoology, with a project focused on turtles and coastal erosion. During High school and university, I tutored fellow students before tests and exams and helped them with homework and assignments. Currently, I tutor my younger sisters in biology and science.

    Michaela teaches Environmental Science at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)

  • Physiology

    I have a Bachelors degree in Science which I passed cum laude, majoring in Zoology and Physiology. I was in the top 3% of my class and could have done my Honours in Physiology had I not chosen Zoology instead.

    Michaela teaches Physiology at High School, Primary School, and University/College level(s)

  • English skills

    Received an A+/ distinction level for English in school. Literature analysis and essay writing is a skill I enjoy and I often assist my younger sister in analyzing her English literature plays, books and poetry to write essays which she receives good marks for.

    Michaela teaches English skills at High School and Primary School level(s)