Tutors in South Africa

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Kim-lee R
Kim-lee R

Teaches: Music, Music Theory
Available for lessons in South Africa
Deidre H


Vuyani P


Vuyani P

Risidale, Randburg

Mr. Vuyani Andrew Pikashe Address: 22 Vincent Road NorthCliff Johannesburg. Cell: 0734579583. Email: sayola.akula@gmail.com Professional Profile Dynamic, savvy, MBA-educated professional offering a remarkable pragmatic expertise in the transfer of empirically evidenced knowledge at student, employees and senior management audience levels. Possesses excellent administrative, verbal communication and written skills along with constructive and effective educating and training methods that promote a stimulating learning environment. Able to work in a specialist skills based role or as part of team and having the proven ability to successfully work to tight academic schedules and deadlines. Avid senior research executive possessing the required enthusiasm, vision, drive and adaptability necessary to manage contemporary modules in business science disciplines at tertiary level. Currently looking for a value-add impact making position with a progressive business school that values and celebrates diversity and achievement. Relevant Key Competencies acquired through experience and MBA Program • Ability to effectively interact with students without prejudice • Can create a success conducive learning environment • Excellence in lesson plan design • Efficacy in implementing various teaching strategies (including non-conventional strategies) • Ability to combine formal and informal assessment techniques to monitor student progression. • Ability to identify student needs auspiciously • Excellent communication skills • Affinity to collaborate with colleagues, management and other fraternity stakeholders. • Can demonstrate commitment to education and professional development Professional Experience Managing Director: Sayola (Pty) Ltd: 2007 to 2011 CEO: Akula Management Consulting (Pty) Ltd: 2007 to date Executive Chairman: Premilux (Pty) Ltd: 2013 to date • Founded and steered all above companies. • Trained and capacitated executive councilors and municipal managers through short courses. • Produced Municipal Finance Management Act training modules for executive directors. Corporate Executive: Old Mutual Employee benefits: 2001 to 2007 • Consulted, trained and advised Boards of Trustees of various Pension and Provident Funds. • Trained Trustee Boards in implementing the Old Mutual SMART operating platform, the first of its kind and imperative in the Employee Benefits Sector at the time. Provincial Manager: Savings & Credit Corporative League of South Africa (SACCOL):1997 to 2001 • Identified training needs for managers and board members. • In conjunction with the University of the Western Cape and UCT produced training modules for Provincial Member Managers, SACCO managers and SACCO Board members • Charged with training and evaluating SACCO managers, Members managers and Board members preparing them for end of course examinations. • Developed assessment methods and training strategies. Regional training manager: Community Bank: 1993-1994 • Trained shareholders on stakeholder affairs of the bank. • Identified training needs for small and medium enterprise clients of the bank. • Business analysis and modeling (SMME) Perm Bank: Business Development Officer: 1991 to 1994 • Responsible for new business development and existing clientele retention. Metropolitan Life: Sales Consultant: 1989 to 1991 • New business development Department of Education. Western Cape: Educator: Nolungile High Night School: 1986 to 1991 • Taught Grade 12 classes for adults preparing them for national senior certificate examinations. Education Profile Highest Qualifications: MBA: University of Natal Graduate School of Business: 2004 Modules: Human Resources Management, Marketing Management, Production management, Business Science, Financial Accounting, Cost and Management Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Research Methods, Business Leadership, International Trade, Information Technology, Business Economic and Statistics. Dissertation: Retirement Fund Governance in South Africa 2004

Teaches: Statistics, Government and Politics, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, English Language, Business Management, Human Resources, International Business, GCSE (general), English skills
Available for lessons in South Africa

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