English skills tutors near me

Personalized Tutoring Near You English skills lessons for online or at home learning in South Africa


English skills tutors in South Africa near you

Kholofelo S

Bramley View

Kholofelo S

Bramley View, Johannesburg

An attorney with a passion for education.

Teaches: English Literature, Law, Business Studies, Biology, English Language, Journalism and writing, English skills, English Language and Literature
Available for English skills lessons in South Africa
Caroline H

Jacques Hill

Caroline H

Jacques Hill, Cape Town

After finishing my A-levels at school I went to University and graduated in Management Science and Computing and then completed a PGCE in mathematics teaching. I am a mother of three adult children who have now all graduated university and now live in different parts of the world. After my youngest daughter left for university 4 years ago and following many years of te... read more

Teaches: Mathematics, English Language, Numeracy, Primary School, GCSE (general), English skills
Available for English skills lessons in South Africa
Alex Shanty S

Klipfontein View

Alex Shanty S

Klipfontein View, Lethabong

Teaches: English Language, English skills, English Language and Literature
Available for English skills lessons in South Africa
Nthabeleng M
