Mathematics Literacy tutors in Pietermaritzburg
Personalized Tutoring Near You Mathematics Literacy lessons for online or at home learning in Pietermaritzburg
Mathematics Literacy tutors in Pietermaritzburg near you
Chayan S
Chayan S
Scottsville, Pietermaritzburg
I have successfully completed my BSc degree at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. It consists of a double major: Hydrology & Geography. Within these two majors, I was moulded into a hard-working and consistent individual who utilizes a multidisciplinary approach and open mind when faced with new challenges. I believe that having mastered Mathematics in my BSc degree puts me in a position - confident to educate others.
Teaches: Mathematics Literacy, Math, Pure Maths, Geography, Physical Science, Writing, English, Natural Sciences, Environmental ScienceAvailable for Mathematics Literacy lessons in Pietermaritzburg