Art and Design tutors in Bluff
Personalized Tutoring Near You Art and Design lessons for online or at home learning in Bluff
Art and Design tutors in Bluff near you
Venetia G
Ocean View
Venetia G
Ocean View, Bluff
Dear Sir/Madam I modestly request an opportunity to work for your organisation and learn new workplace skills. * I am a productive individual who reacts positively to challenges and pressure. * I am a fast learner who is a practical problem solver. * I am willing to perform any job function to the best of my ability. * I am a confident, individual who responds quickly to change. Kind Regards Venetia Govender
Teaches: English Literature, History, Geography, Design & Technology, Natural Sciences, English Language, Art, Primary School, English skills, English Language and Literature, Art and DesignAvailable for Art and Design lessons in Bluff