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Daniella P - Tutor in Waverley

Hello Everyone! I am a student who just completed her LLB degree. I am hard working and willing to go the extra mile to help you. I enjoy working and helping other to achieve their academic goals.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home and Public Place

Travelling distance

Daniella will travel 15km from Waverley, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Daniella speaks Portuguese, Afrikaans, and English

I studied and completed my LLB degree from 2015-2019
2015-01-15 - 2019-11-22

I completed my LLB degree with honors.

Subjects taught
  • Law

    I completed my degree and I absolutely loved studying it and I believe that I will love teaching the subject. I believe that each student has a different approach to their studies and I am willing to help each student I tutor figure out their method and help them.

    Daniella teaches Law at University/College level(s)

  • Math

    It is important that children understand in their own way the basics of mathematics. Not every chid learn the same way in the classroom and I believe maths is a subject that children need to understand in their own way.

    Daniella teaches Math at Primary School level(s)

  • History

    I did extremely well in my exam at the end of the year and I am willing to go the extra mile for my student to do extremely well. I am absolutely passionate about this subject and would like to encourage other to be passionate about this subject.

    Daniella teaches History at High School level(s)

  • Business Studies

    I did extremely well in my exam at the end of the year and I am willing to go the extra mile for my student to do extremely well. I am absolutely passionate about this subject and would like to encourage other to be passionate about this subject.

    Daniella teaches Business Studies at High School level(s)