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Gabriella B - Tutor in Duxberry

I am a kumon assistant instructor where I teach English and math to children between the ages of 3 and 8. I have a passion for helping people and am a qualified life coach. I am currently furthering my studies by doing a higher certificate in counselling and communication skills through SACAP with the hope of doing a bachelor's study next year for psychology. I would love to help primary school children to achieve the marks they want with my assistantace and patience. I have a genuine love for children.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Gabriella will travel 10km from Duxberry, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Gabriella speaks English

2021-03-14 -
Assistant instructor at Kumon

Assisting with teaching basic mathematical concepts and listening to reading as well as assisting with writing to children aged between 3 and 8.

2019-08-01 - 2021-01-13
Assistant marker at Kumon

My main duties have been to help with preparation marking and recording of the work, as well as assist with classroom supervision when the centre gets busy.

2020-01-01 - 2020-12-11
Higher certificate pass - Princeton Centre of learning

Higher certificate matric pass. Studied business studies, history, life science, mathematics, English home language and Afrikaans first additional language.

2019-03-04 - 2020-03-04
Professional coach - Inner Life Skills

74 hours ICF ACSTH Internationally approved life and business coach distance training hours towards ILS Master Coach.

Subjects taught
  • Math

    I am currently an assistant tutor at a kumon centre for math. I love teaching children different and easy methods of doing math by looking at what they understand best. I am patient and can easily build rapport with students. I understand math can be a challenging subject for many students but I have the determination to make it enjoyable for them.

    Gabriella teaches Math at Primary School level(s)

  • Writing

    I am currently an assistant tutor for English at kumon and know the basics needed to read and write. I have a passion for writing poetry and essays. Creative writing is extremely fun for me. I am aware of the structure needed for different forms of writing and can assist in teaching the best formats and structures.

    Gabriella teaches Writing at Primary School level(s)

  • Reading

    I have a good understanding of the English language and am a fluent English speaker. I also currently assist children with English at Kumon where I have a part time job. I am familiar with the basics needed to read and am very patient.

    Gabriella teaches Reading at High School and Primary School level(s)