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Jenny B - Tutor in Durban

I am a mother of two, who up until recently was a full time mother. I studied four years of Electronic Engineering prior to starting a family and relocating, with only a final design outstanding. I am now in my third year of studying towards my BEd. I love mathematics but physics earns a close second place. I am comfortable with tutoring Maths Grade 8 to 12 and Physics Grade 8 to 10. My hobbies include rollerblading, swimming, having fun with my children and socialising with friends. I have lived in various parts of the world including Australia, Canada and Scotland. I love travelling, learning about different cultures and meeting new people.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Languages spoken

Jenny speaks English

None mentioned.
2004 - 2004
BSc Mathematics - University of KwaZulu-Natal

2004 - 2004
BSc Physics - University of KwaZulu-Natal

2017 - 2017
Bachelor's (other) Mathematics - University of South Africa