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Lebohang N - Tutor in Arcon Park

My name is Lebohang Ndobo, I am currently studying towards a Master of Arts degree in communication science. I have a strong passion and a desire to build a career within the services industry with emphasis on transformation and corporate environment. I am a driven and ambitious young woman, with great energy levels and I am eager to learn new things to constantly advance and enhance my skills. I can successfully convey ideas and findings in presentations and reports. I am equipped with excellent problem-solving skills and a good ability to quickly identify issues and the steps to rectify them. I understand the essence of working within a team work environment however given my independence, I can work independently to contribute and meet any required deadlines. I am passionate about the quality of my work. I am more than willing to work overtime to learn, as well as to ensure that all deadlines are met, should the need arise. I am a great believer in the theory that things should be done perfectly or they should not be done at all, and that if you do what you love and it fulfils you; the rest will follow. It is through these values and beliefs that I would like to build my career and succeed.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Languages spoken

Lebohang speaks English

None mentioned.
2017 - 2017
BA Advertising and public relations - University of South Africa

2013 - 2013
Other Media Studies - University of South Africa

2011 - 2011
Other Advertising and public relations - University of South Africa