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Emmarencia J - Tutor in Moreletapark

I managed nursing personnel (Matron) for many year, care for patients, mentor, teach and managed conflict of personnel. During this period I developed an interest in law. I then studied law through UNISA and after completion of my articles, admitted as a lawyer. I have a passion to teach, gain knowledge on a daily base by developing myself and learn from other people, care and assist people where possible and display a very positive attitude. My integrity is one of my outstanding characteristics, except for being always loyal.I was always fair towards all my students and each student ws treated if they were the only student - receiving all my attention and always treated with respect andina professional manner.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, and Public Place

Languages spoken

Emmarencia speaks English

None mentioned.
1998 - 1998
BA Hospital Sciences - University of South Africa

1995 - 1995
BA Education Studies - University of South Africa

1979 - 1979
Bachelor's (other) Sociology - University of the Free State

2011 - 2011
Bachelor's (other) Law - University of South Africa