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Nombulelo H - Tutor in Johannesburg

Completed my bachelor degree with majors in biology, pharmacolgy, physiology and anatomy. Currently doing my honors in pharmacology. On a journey of personal growth and expansion and one way I achieve this through helping others and allowing others to help me. I enjoy engaging and communicating with others as there is a constant exchange of learning.

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Travelling distance

Nombulelo will travel 20km from Johannesburg, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Nombulelo speaks Zulu, English, and Tswana

02/01/2019 - 11/30/2019
Tulip Ambassador

Tutoring society made by students for studnent tutoring mainly primary and high school students in less developed areas lacking resources.

02/01/2016 - 11/30/2019
BSc Medical Sciences - University of Pretoria

Subjects taught
  • Math

    I've always been a "math wizard" from a young age and my talent in math has not faded. I'm always helping my niece and her friends who are currently in primary school and their grades have improved significantly. I believe that the basic phase of math is important as it sets a solid foundation for higher level math.

    Nombulelo teaches Math at Primary School level(s)

  • Natural Sciences

    Science has always been my favourite subject from high school and throughout varsity therefore, made studying and understanding easy and fun which then resulted in me excelling in it. Since my degree is scienced based, it cause me to repeatedly expose myself to all facets of science from the simple/ foundation phase to the more complicated type therefore my knowledge in natural science if anything is stronger and refined from high school level.

    Nombulelo teaches Natural Sciences at High School level(s)

  • Physiology

    I've been exposed to this module in my second year and the first semester of my final year and I've passed it with distinctions and my ability to explain to others has improved significantly as I was always exposed to people who learn through different means and now I'm able to explain to any student in any study form with positive feedback from those I've assisted.

    Nombulelo teaches Physiology at University/College level(s)