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Garth T - Tutor in Parel Vallei

My name is Garth Turner! I have recently graduated from Stellenbosch University with a B.eng (hons) Industrial engineering degree. I've tutored high school mathematics and physical science before and have always enjoyed explaining a helping others with work.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Garth will travel 10km from Parel Vallei, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Garth speaks Afrikaans and English

2005 - 2020
Hockey Coach

I have played hockey for 15 years and coached throughout this time period.

2015-01-01 - 2019-01-01
B.eng (hons) Industrial Engineering - Stellenbosch University

I studied Industrial Engineering at Stellenbosch University.

Subjects taught
  • General Maths & Science

    I received a mark of 88 for mathematics and 80 for science in high school and have just finished my engineering degree which incorporates mathematics and science in many of the subjects. I have also enjoyed mathematics and science over other subjects and enjoy finding simple ways and methods to explain them.

    Garth teaches General Maths & Science at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Algebra

    I received a mark of 88 for mathematics in high school and have just finished my engineering degree which incorporates mathematics in almost every subject. I have also enjoyed mathematics over other subjects and enjoy finding simple ways and methods to explain it. Algebra is a section of mathematics which may be difficult to grasp at first but once understood is extremely useful!

    Garth teaches Algebra at High School level(s)

  • Mathematics

    I received a mark of 88 for mathematics in high school and have just finished my engineering degree which incorporates mathematics in almost every subject. I have also enjoyed mathematics over other subjects and enjoy finding simple ways and methods to explain it.

    Garth teaches Mathematics at High School and Primary School level(s)