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Jaclyn M - Tutor in Villieria

I am a 2nd year medical student at the University of Pretoria. I also have completed a BSc degree in physiology, genetics and psychology cum laude. I am looking to tutor maths, physical sciences, biology or English at a primary or high school level.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Jaclyn will travel 10km from Villieria, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Jaclyn speaks English

2017-03-10 - 2019-03-10

2015-01-01 - 2017-12-31
BSC physiology, genetics, psychology - UP

Subjects taught
  • Math

    I have completed a degree in physiology, genetics and psychology and I am currently in my second year of my MBChB degree. I also matriculated in 2013 with a distinction in biology. I am available to teach any subject from maths to English. As well as study techniques

    Jaclyn teaches Math at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Chemistry

    I have completed a degree in physiology, genetics and psychology and I am currently in my second year of my MBChB degree. I also matriculated in 2013 with a distinction in biology. I am available to teach any subject from maths to English. As well as study techniques

    Jaclyn teaches Chemistry at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Biology

    I have completed a degree in physiology, genetics and psychology and I am currently in my second year of my MBChB degree. I also matriculated in 2013 with a distinction in biology. I am available to teach any subject from maths to English. As well as study techniques

    Jaclyn teaches Biology at High School, Primary School, University/College, and Adult level(s)

  • Physics

    I have completed a degree in physiology, genetics and psychology and I am currently in my second year of my MBChB degree. I also matriculated in 2013 with a distinction in biology. I am available to teach any subject from maths to English. As well as study techniques

    Jaclyn teaches Physics at High School and Primary School level(s)

  • Vocabulary

    I have completed a degree in physiology, genetics and psychology and I am currently in my second year of my MBChB degree. I also matriculated in 2013 with a distinction in biology. I am available to teach any subject from maths to English. As well as study techniques

    Jaclyn teaches Vocabulary at High School and Primary School level(s)