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Unathi V - Tutor in Windsor Glen

I completed my B Sc degree at Wits in 2006. I majored in Mathematics and Computer Science. I worked in financial services between 2007 and 2012. I became a mathematics teacher in 2013 at St John's college in Houghton. I went back to financial service in April 2015. However, I continued to offer extra mathematics lessons. One of my highlights is that in 2019 I helped a grade 12 student achieve her goal of being accepted at a university in the UK to study architecture.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Unathi will travel 50km from Windsor Glen, Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Unathi speaks Zulu, English, Xhosa, and Tswana

I completed my Bachelors degree from Wits in 2006. My majors were Mathematics and Computer science. I taught at St John's college in Houghton between 2013 and 2015. I taught mathematics fro grade 8 to grade 12. I also taught the Cambridge syllabus IGCSE to the Sixth Form students.
2002-01-01 - 2006-11-30
B Sc - Wits

Subjects taught
  • Algebra

    I am a very patient teacher. I possess excellent communication skills. I have a deep understanding and broad knowledge of Mathematics. I also excel in exam technique coaching in order to achieve the best possible mark and maximize the students potential to excel.

    Unathi teaches Algebra at High School and University/College level(s)

  • Calculus

    I am a very patient teacher. I possess excellent communication skills. I have a deep understanding and broad knowledge of Mathematics. I also excel in exam technique coaching in order to achieve the best possible mark and maximize the students potential to excel.

    Unathi teaches Calculus at High School and University/College level(s)

  • Mathematics

    I am a very patient teacher. I possess excellent communication skills. I have a deep understanding and broad knowledge of Mathematics. I also excel in exam technique coaching in order to achieve the best possible mark and maximize the students potential to excel.

    Unathi teaches Mathematics at High School, University/College, and Adult level(s)