tutor avatar

Christiaan B - Tutor in Century City

I have always been a numbers person, with exceptional mathematics and computer skills. I like to explore the relationships between numbers, and translate digits and data into stories. These stories can explain the origin of the universe or simply how nuclei change with temperature. On a personal level, I am detail-oriented, organized, and precise in my work. I have strong communication skills with a knack for clear and illuminating presentation.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

My Home, Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Christiaan will travel 25km from Century City, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Languages spoken

Christiaan speaks Afrikaans and English

2019-03-01 - 2059-02-09

I work for a system integration consultant firm. As a consultant I am a tester/developer/analyst/cloud practitioner depending on the project.

2016-04-01 - 2019-02-28
Junior Research scientist

I was doing sub-atomic physics research. I worked with radiation and delicate equipment, lots of math and coding to analize and model the (expected) results. My Phd expirement was performed in USA, my Msc was experiment was performed in Norway.

2016-07-01 - 2019-12-09
Phd nuclear physics - Stellenbosch

Junior research scientist at iThemba LABS

2015-01-01 - 2016-06-30
Msc nuclear physics - Stellenbosch

2014-01-01 - 2014-12-08
Honours in physics - Stellenbosch

2011-01-01 - 2013-12-09
Bsc Physics - Stellenbosch

Subjects taught
  • General Maths & Science

    I have a Phd in nuclear physics. Physics and mathematics go hand-in-hand. For example the shape of nuclei are described by spherical harmonics. During my work at iThemba LABS I used mathematical and statistic modeling to describe physical environments.

    Christiaan teaches General Maths & Science at High School and Adult level(s)

  • Computer Programming

    I have used python, java, matlab, latex and c++ during my research career and at university level. At my day job as a developer/analyst I use SQL, d3.js and python daily. I am also familiar with cloud computing technologies like amazon web services.

    Christiaan teaches Computer Programming at High School level(s)

  • Physics

    I have a Phd in nuclear physics. I was a junior research scientist at iThemba LABS for four years. I was a visiting scientist in Russia and USA, florida. I also have work publicized in the Physical review C APS journal.

    Christiaan teaches Physics at High School and Adult level(s)