Languages tutors in Roodepoort
Personalized Tutoring Near You Languages lessons for online or at home learning in Roodepoort
Languages tutors in Roodepoort near you
Gina N
Strubens Valley
Gina N
Strubens Valley, Roodepoort
I have a great vocabulary of English , Afrikaans and I am even learning a third language French! I pass with an average of 85% and above! during these times in which during these times in which we Face battles regarding covid-19 we find ourselves at home some of us not being able to attend school because we are stuck at home w we also find ourselves with extra time and we can use these opportunities to learn and improve with quality homeschooling I know it sounds cheesy but remember it's never too late to learn
Teaches: LanguagesAvailable for Languages lessons in Roodepoort