Tutors in Randfontein
Personalized Tutoring Near You In-person and online tutors in Randfontein
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Turtlejar connects you to the highest performing local Randfontein tutors to help you achieve your desired goals while eliminating any signs of fear in your subject. All levels covered including Primary, High, University and Languages.
In-Person & Online Lessons
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Our private tutors in Randfontein near you
Marion P
Reagan S
Reagan S
Toekomsrus, Randfontein
I am a very enthusiastic teacher, always putting in maximum effort for improvement and never a dull moment in teaching or learning with me. Like to see learners being involved and participating in their own improvement and growth.
Teaches: English as a foreign Language, Mathematics Literacy, MathematicsAvailable for lessons in Randfontein
shane d
shane d
Greenhills, Randfontein
My name is Shané du Plessis, and I am 20 years old. I am a third year Law and Psychology student at the North West University. I am bilingual in English and Afrikaans, and have experience in tutoring children between grades 3 and 7. “A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who find learning hard.” -Eliphas Levi I believe all children deserve the opportunity to grow and gain knowledge, and I want to be that little bit of extra help to those who may struggle at certain things and teach them how to excel at it.
Teaches: Math, Afrikaans, EnglishAvailable for lessons in Randfontein
Merly S
Merly S
Greenhills, Randfontein
Hello😊 My name is Merly and I am 27 years old. I live in Johannesburg South Africa and I am a qualified educator. I have a very bubbly personality. I'm kind and I'm also very passionate teaching and learning. My hobbies are singing, dancing, watching movies and playing netbal. I love how working with children provides me the opportunity to share my knowledge and to learn from my students in return. I love to see how my students academic performance improves as well as their confidence in the subject.
Teaches: Mathematics, Natural SciencesAvailable for lessons in Randfontein
Maron M
Maron M
Mohlakeng, Randfontein
I am currently studying LLB at Unisa. I am good in explaining and making you understand the modules, ofcourse the ones I did and passed already with distinction. Students who are doing Higher Certificate in Law may conduct me for the following modules: ILW1501, ENN103F,PAR1501,CPD1501, INS1501,CRW1501, SCL1501 and also the portfolios SJD1501 and IRM1501. As for students who are at matric, I can assist in English, Maths ,Geography and History. I give notes and simplified explanation.
Teaches: Law, History, GeographyAvailable for lessons in Randfontein
Sanmarie G
Sanmarie G
Robinpark, Randfontein
I am a positive, upbeat and hard working young lady who enjoyes the outdoors and being creative. I take studying very seriously as I believe that education is the key to success. I love helping people and seeing them move forward as I believe that everyone should be given the opportunity to learn.
Teaches: Afrikaans, Biology, Psychology, English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Randfontein
Zandile M
Helikon Park
Zandile M
Helikon Park, Randfontein
Passionate about the English language and the power of teaching as well as learning. I love music, technology and make up.
Teaches: Mathematics, English Language, English skillsAvailable for lessons in Randfontein
Britney D
Britney D
Toekomsrus, Randfontein
Good day. I am an English teacher from Johannesburg, Gauteng. I majored in English at the North West University in Potchefstroom. I have been teaching English for five years. What I love most about English is the literature and poetry. My hobbies are reading novels, listening to music and exploring new sights.
Teaches: English Language and LiteratureAvailable for lessons in Randfontein
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At Turtlejar Tutoring, we're committed to connecting you to the best possible Randfontein tutor that will allow you to achieve your desired short and long term goals.