Business Management tutors in Hartbeespoort
Personalized Tutoring Near You Business Management lessons for online or at home learning in Hartbeespoort
Business Management tutors in Hartbeespoort near you
Priscilla H
Priscilla H
Schoemansville, Hartbeespoort
I was born in the Free State and moved to Witbank when I was 13. Matriculated in 1993 and started studying at the FET College in Witbank. Personnel Management. I finished my N4 and started working for a Financial Advisor at Old Mutual. In 1995 I started working at Harvey Nortje Inc and was inspired to start studying again. My original course was presented by Tec... read more
Teaches: Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, Business Management, Human ResourcesAvailable for Business Management lessons in Hartbeespoort