Natural Sciences tutors in Eden Glen
Personalized Tutoring Near You Natural Sciences lessons for online or at home learning in Eden Glen
Natural Sciences tutors in Eden Glen near you
Kuraisha S
Eden Glen
Kuraisha S
Eden Glen, Edenvale
I am an outgoing and assertive young lady with intellectual status and ambition. My passion for communicating with people allows me to understand the variable nature of how people think. This, above all intrigues me. I am said to have a unique personality that extends to all cultures with a firm balance when dealing with academics, colleagues, friends and family. My tr... read more
Teaches: Geography, Biology, Natural Sciences, English LanguageAvailable for Natural Sciences lessons in Eden Glen
Dorah M
Eden Glen
Dorah M
Eden Glen, Edenvale
I believe my success with your company will come from having advanced-level skills in a significant range of teaching methods and the ability to assist students who are in need of help. My teaching experience will also place a huge impact on my lessons.
Teaches: Natural Sciences, English LanguageAvailable for Natural Sciences lessons in Eden Glen