tutor avatar

Fatimah O - Tutor in Eldoraigne

I am passionate student teacher who aims to help struggling students succeed. I am currently in my final year towards getting my B.Ed degree. In addition to this, I have obtained a TEFL certificate to teach English. I am able to provide tuition on all subjects for Grade 4-7 learners. Furthermore, I am willing to assist learners in lower grades.

Tutor basics
Teaching places

Students Home, Public Place, and Online

Travelling distance

Fatimah will travel 20km from Eldoraigne, Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa

Languages spoken

Fatimah speaks English

Student Teacher

I am currently studying at Varsity College. I have morning classes this year from 08:30-12:30 and on some days till 13:00. I am therefore looking to tutor anytime after that. Preferably before 5.

2017-01-01 - 2020-12-31
B. Ed Intermediate Phase - Varsity College Pretoria

Subjects taught
  • Primary School

    I am currently in my final year of my B.Ed degree and I am specializing in all subjects in relation to intermediate phase learners. In addition to this, I have obtained a TEFL certificate to teach English.

    Fatimah teaches Primary School at Primary School level(s)